Archive of posts with category 'honda'

Taking the CB400 Four out for its first ride

I finally found some time to put the CB400F back on the road. It’s been sitting since I bought it last year - obviously on a charger - so it...

Didn't need another project, so I bought a hipster Honda CB400 Four

I needed another project like I needed a hole in my head, but then again this very, very low mileage Honda CB400 Four showed up fairly locally, so it was...

Not much time to work on the S2000, so I made a video instead

As usual I’m pulled in too many different directions to make much progress on my car projects. As a result I didn’t have much time to work on S2000 or...

Ah yes, the infamous S2000 clutch master cylinder strikes

Nothing much happened with the S2000 since the last post. I was chasing roof leaks on my shop and temporarily patch them. Today I finally got around checking the clutch...

Miata free, and onto the next project - a Honda S2000

Turns out that the Miata I bought back in May was a little more of a project that I wanted it to be. OK, that’s actually only partially true. The...